Board of Education two-year term debate/forum for uncontested candidates October 25 - live on Channel 79 was lively...Top row: and on the left, President Kathy Failla, introduced the moderator;  Moderator Jean Rabinow of Bridgeport Area LWV ran the show (r) with standing room only crowd (and live feed to Town TV Channel), center,

More  Board of Education: second row:  tense debate for two-year position (left and left center), closing statement by Ellen Uzenoff, thoughtful statement by present Chair., Les Wolf.  NOTE:  Board of Selectmen debate: October 22 saw the League sponsor a live, televised debate between the two candidates for First Selectman, Republican incumbent Woody Bliss and Democrat Laura Smits, at the Weston Public Library at 7:30 p.m.  Selectmen candidates Richard Miller and Glenn Major participated, too.  LWV Video is now running on Channel 79 three times a day.

W E S T O N    L W V    O P E N I N G    P R O G R A M   2 0 0 3

Weston Public Library Community Room was the site of Weston LWV OPENING MEETING Thursday, Sept. 11, 2003 at 7:30pm - President Kathy Failla poses with Senator John McKinney, welcomed as newest member of "OUR CAPITOL GANG" - Excellent turnout by public and super-loaded informational program by our State Legislators. Thank you Representative Stripp, Senators Freedman, McKinney!!!  Weston FORUM reporter present - look for story next week!  Debate announced at Opening Meeting (President Kathy Failla between Laura Smits and Woody Bliss), at right.